Welcome to Krav Maga Yashir! Our Krav Maga training facility is located less than five miles from the center of Winchester (Massachusetts). We are a full-time Krav Maga school,
that only teaches Krav Maga (the hand-to-hand fighting system of the IDF – Israeli Defense Force). You can check out our schedule by
clicking here. Traditional martial arts such as Karate, Tae-Kwon-Do, teach solutions to violence in a sterilized and sanitized manner, and don’t recognize the realities
of real-life violent assaults. Violent assaults are brutal affairs that often involve ambush style attacks, that leave you little or no time to prepare to defend yourself (very
similar to the types of attacks members of the IDF experience). Real-life violence is non-consensual and involves assailants who are looking to quickly overwhelm, overpower
and dominate you. For such situations you need an approach and method that is designed for reality. Krav Maga was born out of the necessity to teach people how to quickly learn,
effective solutions to real-life unarmed and armed assaults, that may involve multiple assailants.
While MMA may have demonstrated the need to learn how to defend yourself when standing and on the ground (something Krav Maga also teaches you) etc., its format, with a referee that tells those participating when the fight is about to begin, and takes place in an uncluttered space, doesn’t reflect the contexts of real-life attacks. There is no sporting component to Krav Maga, it is solely focused on dealing with real-life violence in all its contexts. To learn more about the approach its takes click here, or if you would like to take one of our introductory Krav Maga seminars you can use the button below.
Our Krav Maga training center (just north of Winchester, with free on-site parking) is run by Head Instructor, Gershon Ben Keren. Gershon is a 5th Degree Black Belt in Krav Maga,
who has trained and taught in Israel, alongside some of the IDF’s most respected instructors. He is the author of three books (listed below), and a 2010 inductee into the Museum
of Israeli Martial Arts in Herzliya, Israel (an institution that catalogs instructors who have made a significant contribution to Israeli fighting systems). You can read a more
detailed profile of Gershon, and the other instructors who teach at the school by using the button below.
Our Krav Maga Training Facility is less than 5 Miles from Winchester (Massachusetts) city center.
Gershon Ben Keren started a weekly blog in 2010, to help students at the school better understand Krav Maga and violence. The blog started to gain international attention, and with it the interest of Tuttle Publishing (one of the oldest and most respected publishers of martial arts and self-defense instructional books). To date Gershon has published three best-selling books on Krav Maga with them. All photographed in full color with techniques demonstrated at full speed, and in the locations/setting where violent acts occur e.g., in bars and pubs, outside ATM’s, in cars etc. To read more about these individual books click on the covers.
After the publication of his first book, “Krav Maga – Real World Solutions to Real World Violence”, Gershon was invited to present a Google Author Talk, on the personal safety and self-protection elements contained in the book. These included explanations and details about the processes that predatory offenders use to gain access to those they target and victimize. Due to the reception received after the first talk, Gershon was invited back to present again, after the release of his second book, “Krav Maga – Tactical Survival”, to talk about social violence, de-escalation, and conflict resolution. Both talks/presentations are published below.